Saturday, March 14, 2020

The seeds of discontent (Part 3)

Somebody's clearly not happy!
"It is clear that UMNO, as the biggest bloc of MPs, has been sidelined in an unfair manner that can be seen in two matters," says UMNO Deputy President Mohamad Hasan. The two matters are UMNO being assigned to non-critical ministries, and Bersatu (including Azmin Ali's camp) taking the lion's share of portfolios.

"Coalition government should be based on propotionate representations and not dominated by any one party, and to make it more legitimate it must have written agreement between political parties involved," says Azalina Othman, adding that "UMNO sepatutnya layak diberikan Kementerian yang lebih significant seperti Kementerian Wanita, KDN, Kementerian Luar Bandar, MOF dan MOA".

Muhyiddin's cabinet does not reflect PN's en bloc spirit Sharir

Umno tak selesa Azmin jadi menteri kanan - Tajuddin

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