Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tabung Harapan should be funded by GLCs, MNCs & rich people

It's great that Tabung Harapan has exceeded RM100 million. That's still a drop in the bucket when it comes to clearing our national debt of RM686.8 billion or RM1 trillion (depending on how you define the national debt). That's billion with a "b" and trillion with a "t". Even if Tabung Harapan eventually reaches RM1 billion, we've still got at least RM685.8 billion left to go.

This is not to say Tabung Harapan is a bad idea. In the aftermath of GE14, people were starting to set up crowdfunding initiatives to save the country. Who knows how many of those were scams and how many were for real. By setting up Tabung Harapan, there's a 100% certifiably government-approved fund you could bank money into if you want to contribute to the clearing of the national debt.

What Tabung Harapan should not expect is for ordinary, working stiff Malaysians to contribute much to it. Everyday Malaysians are having a tough enough time making ends meet. The ones who really should contribute are the GLCs, many of which are super profitable. As GLCs they should definitely do their part. Another group that should contribute significantly are MNCs, many of which are also very profitable. They should contribute to the fund. Lastly, there are also many high net worth Malaysians who could easily drop a million or two (or more) without a thought. They should be asked to do their part for the country.

Where in the past GLCs, MNCs and high net worth individuals would make "donations" to UMNO's leader (ostensibly strictly for party use only) today they can contribute to Tabung Harapan instead.

1 comment:

Troy said...

Nice blog thanks for pposting